Category Archives: Lifestyle

Women In Business

Ad The rise in women in business has been very mind-blowing! We did a deep dive into Women in Business and learnt a bit about some of their journeys. I already knew that a lot of women around the world regularly set up businesses but I was surprised to know the kind of industries that […]

Investing With Shares

We have been watching this app for awhile now! We decided to put our FREE £20 on Tesla. We will keep you updated and will see you on the other side once you have signed up!! Feel free to drop us a comment and let us know how you are getting on or if you […]

How To Save More Money

Ad Download Now How to save more money is probably something that has crossed people’s mind at some point in their lives at least once. If you haven’t thought about how to save money at least once then I’d be very surprised but… if it’s because you are already in a position where you don’t […]

How Entertainment Companies Make Money

Ad How entertainment companies make money is another complex topic but we will go into some of the basics. There are many ways entertainment companies make money, from advertising to direct customer sales. These types of companies have multiple streams of revenue and work with a lot of different people. Here’s a short list of […]


Dance2GetFit the new and great way to get fit at home for free or at a more affordable price! Meet new people not only online but in person too by attending our annual Special Events, where you can meet all the other members and coaches. Dance2GetFit with Samantha Nicole is due to Launch soon. Lots […]

Survival – Would You Survive If The World Stood Still?

Would you survive if the world stood still? Do you have any survival techniques? I’m not sure if this is a question that has ever crossed your mind but I know it has crossed mine a few times. I also know that it has crossed many others too. Some people would probably say it’s a […]

Does History Repeat Itself?

Does history repeat itself, a great question and not really one that I have thought much about myself until recently. Have you ever thought about whether history repeats itself? Most likely not but don’t worry about it, I am sure many others haven’t thought about it either! Now we have your attention on the topic, […]

Women! What do you think about being replaced with robots?

Women! What do you think about being replaced with robots? No, it’s a serious question. What if one day, you wake up and your partner has gone. He has left you a note saying that he still loves you but he needs some space. So you pay him a little visit, reaching his door you […]

The future of food

The future of food, I don’t even know where to get started. Another complex topic but again just like everything else the way we produce food and even how we consume food is changing! From producing food in vertical gardens and 3d printed food. Which to be quite honest with you, I love food but […]

Fashion Technology

The Fashion Industry is also changing when it comes to Technology! To be quite honest I didn’t even realize how much fashion is changing or how they integrate Fashion with Technology. Fashion Technology might be used for retailers and it’s customers, manufacturers and designers. Fashion Technology has helped brands to show off their brand to […]