Author Archives: Samantha Nicole

Women! What do you think about being replaced with robots?

Women! What do you think about being replaced with robots? No, it’s a serious question. What if one day, you wake up and your partner has gone. He has left you a note saying that he still loves you but he needs some space. So you pay him a little visit, reaching his door you […]

The future of food

The future of food, I don’t even know where to get started. Another complex topic but again just like everything else the way we produce food and even how we consume food is changing! From producing food in vertical gardens and 3d printed food. Which to be quite honest with you, I love food but […]

Fashion Technology

The Fashion Industry is also changing when it comes to Technology! To be quite honest I didn’t even realize how much fashion is changing or how they integrate Fashion with Technology. Fashion Technology might be used for retailers and it’s customers, manufacturers and designers. Fashion Technology has helped brands to show off their brand to […]

A Smarter World..

As you already know, how entertainment has changed with technology and how entertainment and technology has changed over time is out of this world. Literally! Not only is Elon Musk building rockets to fly humans from earth to Mars but we’ve also got Mark Zuckerberg building a wide range of new worlds in the Metaverse. […]

Meet Fuzzy – Robotic Dog – Hasbro’s Joy for All

Meet Fuzzy our robotic dog from Hasbro Joy for all. We have had him for just over a year now and we were quite impressed from the day that we came across these pets. The benefits so far having Fuzzy our robotic dog from Hasbro Joy for all. No mess No feeding (just batteries) No […]

How Entertainment has changed with technology

Ad How entertainment has changed with technology is something that I have definitely noticed. Growing up, I remember entertainment being quite basic and so was technology. With only 5 channels to watch. Cartoons were only for a couple of hours in the morning before school and a couple hours after school. The last show being […]