Women In Business


The rise in women in business has been very mind-blowing!

We did a deep dive into Women in Business and learnt a bit about some of their journeys.

I already knew that a lot of women around the world regularly set up businesses but I was surprised to know the kind of industries that women set up in.

Women In Business – Cake Maker

From women in Beauty to women in Painting and Decorating this list goes on.

Women have even started hitting other industries like construction and Entertainment in positions that you wouldn’t usually find them in, like producers, magicians and many more.

Women In Business – Painter & Decorator

Some find it hard to believe that they have what it takes to run their own business, especially when they are single parents or have never run a business before but you’ll be surprised how many successful business women there are in the world.

In this blog we take a look at well established women in business, some you may not know and some that you definitely will know of.

We also asked a wide range of women in business to tell us more about their journey, their why and how’s plus they say a few things that they felt are useful to know when starting out in business or if you’re on the verge of giving up.

Let me start of by telling you more about who I am and what I do…

Women In Business – Samantha Nicole
Head of Production @ SO Francis Productions

I have been a woman in business for just under 14 years now. It’s been an exciting and interesting ride so far. With some highs and some lows. I have pivoted and I have expanded multiple times.

To be honest it has been crazy ride but I have enjoyed every moment!

My first ever business was as an independent nanny, which was fun and very rewarding. Then a mobile beauty therapist from when I reached 21 years old which was my first ever registered job with the tax man.

I have also had no profit businesses, one being our family events and fun days. I have been an entertainer for children and special events as a magician and even a face painter.

The list goes on but those were the earlier days. I currently have a business consultancy business called BC, my own online shop and even do private card readings occasionally for my clients…

….Again, I do have a big list of businesses that I currently run but I will leave it with those mentioned for now.

I decided to become a businesswoman younger than you think. I believe I have always had the entrepreneurial spirit in me.

I remember being in secondary school making a few pounds on the side daily. Whether it be sweets or pens, I was selling them.

Growing up, even though I worked from 14 years old as an employee in many different roles I knew that if I worked my own business then I’d make more money and it would take the same amount of effort than my day jobs.

That’s when I thought I’d see if I could do both!

I have had a couple of mentors and coaches on my journey. It is the best investment I’ve made so far. Having more eyes and someone to throw ideas at helped massively.

It also helped to see what I was doing right and what I could do to grow my businesses to their fullest potential.

I found that learning from those that are already successful at things that you want to do takes a lot of the hard work away.

It’s a smart way to work!

After all, when you’re doing something that you love it shouldn’t even feel like work. If you can get a mentor, get one…

you will be glad that you did and these kinds of things can be claimed back as an expense at the end of the tax year.

The pros of running your own business is that you can work when you want, with whoever you want and wherever you want…doing what you love.

Plus you get to meet people that you wouldn’t usually meet in a normal day job, not only that you are helping to grow the economy by supplying jobs for other people that you usually get rewarded for if you do your accounts right.

The cons is it can be a very lonely ride to start off with, why I am not completely sure about but I see a lot of business people have this problem.

Maybe it’s due to having different timelines and interests.

Also it can be hard to get friends and family to support you in what you do…even if it’s just taking a second to like and share a post and this can get really frustrating for some, especially when starting out.

Another thing that I noticed is that there isn’t much help or information out there that’s free and accessible.

Competitors are another problem. So many business owners believe in competing with each other instead of collaborating with each other.

Before starting a business try and put the idea out there first. Plant the seed. See If people will be interested.

You have the test trading period and much more to have a play with before you go all in.

Always remember, when you go into a shop or a business of some kind, you will find that they usually have more than one product and/or services.

You can add more products and services along the way. Most people learn on the job and having multiple sources of income can be really helpful in the moment as well as in the long run.

Do your research and remember to ask for help!

Doing your own tax return is easy peasy and I have always done my own but when I start hitting big cash flow then I’ll invest in an accountant.

I wish I knew about subsidiaries and keeping my businesses open as long as I could before I had started.

I used to close my businesses and start over each year if it wasn’t doing as great as I expected.

I didn’t know it can take about 5-10 years for a business to become established and successful.

Sometimes it can take longer and there will always be barriers and changes along the way.

What I’d say to anyone that has been thinking about setting up their own businesses, just do it and the how will turn up after but make sure that you have your health in check too.

Believe it’s happening, take risks and massive actions.

Start saying yes to opportunities and get yourself out there!

Ignore the Nay sayers and follow your heart.

Samantha Nicole

What helped me on my journey was to connect with like-minded people, network and stay positive.

Stepping out of my comfort zone and always learning new things from reading lots of books, training courses and doing my own research.

Writing it down. Writing my ideas. Writing my goals and having a vision board really helped!


What industry are you in?

How long have you been a woman in business?

Are there any other businesses you have tried before?

What made you decide to become a business woman?

Do you have a mentor or have you used one in the past?

Would you recommend having a mentor?

The pros and cons of being a business woman?

What do you think would help others when starting up their own business as a woman?

Is there anything that you wished you knew before starting up a business as a woman?

What would you say to any women that are thinking of setting up their own business?

Is there anything or anyone that helped you on your journey?

Women In Business – Business Owner Charlene @ Soul Nuah Soapery
(click image above to visit website)

Charlene works in the Beauty and Wellbeing industry.

Charlene said

‘In 2020 my partner and I both took redundancy.’

We wanted to show our children that even though the circumstances were not the best at the time, there is always another option open to you.

Women In Business – Soul Nuah Soapery

Currently Charlene does not have any other businesses, but there are ideas to expand the business in the near future.

Charlene told us that after working for a company for over 16 years, She had always wanted to find a way out.

Although it was a daunting time in her life due to trying something new and being her own boss, it was also exciting as she had full control of what she wanted to do and how she would achieve it.

Charlene said

‘I am grateful for all the support and encouragement I have received from many people, including customers, family and friends.’

So that shows that it’s not always a lonely ride for everyone!

We asked Charlene if she has or had a mentor, her reply was.

‘My mentor is my partner, I do think having someone to bounce ideas off and brainstorming ideas is a must. With another set of eyes and ears, reassurance and guidance goes a long way.’

Charlene: What’s the pros and cons of being a business woman?

Pros: Returning Customers and their love for you and your business. Testimonies from your customers and seeing them make it all worthwhile.

Working in your own time! More time will be invested but when you enjoy what you do, its not an issue.

Cons:You can feel vulnerable and lost at times. Just ride through it, we all have good and bad days!

Always find the positives. Competitors, depending what business you are, there are opportunities for others to do similar things!

Continue to make your business an extension of you and that’s how you tackle that!

We asked Charlene

‘What do you think would help others when starting up their own business as a woman?’

her reply was…

‘Knowing that there are support networks out there, ready and willing to help develop any gaps in your business and support you on attaining new skills and enhancing the ones you already have.

Charlene said when asked – Is there anything that you wished you knew before starting up a business as a woman?

‘The sense of liberation. To be independent and do things how I want, is a great feeling! It’s so easy to say you don’t have time, but if it’s really what you want you can make the time.’

Charlene: What would you say to any women that are thinking of setting up their own business?

Don’t be afraid to start! Once you start trading and going to other events, you will come across some amazing people who will share and support you.

It’s not as lonely as you may seem!

Charlene @ Soul Nuah Soapery

Charlene said her partner helped her and continues to help her!!

Without him the dream the business wouldn’t be possible.

His support is valued.

Women In Business – Hannah
Owner @ Wisteria Florist (click the image to find out more)

Hannah has been working in Floristry for 17 years now and has been working for herself for 5 years.

She doesn’t have any other businesses at the moment, Hannah continued her education from school to college to train as a florist.

Hannah has worked for some very talented florists in Derbyshire where she picked up many of her skills.

Women In Business – Wisteria Florist

We asked Hannah what made her decide to become a business woman?

She said

‘Flexibility, being able to work around the family. Being able to create my own style and designs.’

Hannah has not had a mentor but she says that she is a part of a good group of Florists that help each other out and offer advice to each other.

Hannah says it’s always good to have people around you that have been in the same situation and understand what you need.

I’d say is a very great point and seems to be a pattern that’s showing up often so far in these interviews of women in business.

Women In Business – Wisteria Florist

When we asked Hannah what she felt were the pros and cons of being a woman in business, she said.

‘One pro is that you have the freedom to do what you want, when you want. A con is that sometimes you never clock off’

Hannah said do lots of research on what you want to do and how you want your business to be viewed, that will help women that are looking at starting a business.



Hannah @ Wisteria Florist
Women In Business – Sarah Dawkins
Holistic Health Coach & Author

I am in the health and wellness industry. I remind clients that they are innate healers, helping people to naturally self-heal.

I was a Registered Nurse for 20 years. I have been a woman in business for 10 years, since leaving the NHS.

This was my first ever business as I never had the courage to set up on my own before.

My decision to set up my own company came after realising that working as a Registered Nurse in the NHS was not giving me the job satisfaction that it once did.

I needed to do something that nourished my soul again.

I joined the Graduate Entrepreneurship Programme (GEP) at the University I went to. They were very helpful with all the information and advice needed to set up and run a company.

The tutors mentored us along the way as well as ran the classes.

From my experience, having a mentor is a great help. People who are already doing what you want to do know the pitfalls and can help you to avoid them.

The pros of being a business woman –

You don’t have to answer to anyone but yourself You work on your own terms and set your own boundaries You get to keep what you earn (after giving the tax man his share) You are in charge of everything.

The cons of being a business woman

The hours can be long Your pay can wax and wane You pay for everything yourself.

You are in charge of everything!

If you are wanting to set up your own business, do some research, speak to other business owners, take a course, watch some videos on the internet, make sure you understand what is involved.

Pay for an accountant. It is well worth the money. They have the knowledge of what you can and can’t claim for.

Because I had the support of the GEP, setting up my business and understanding the intricacies of it wasn’t a problem because their classes taught us what we needed to know and the mentors were a great help to answer questions and steer us on the right path.

My advice to others who want to start up their own business…

If you have a passion, take a leap of faith and go for it. Yes, it can be scary, but it can be very rewarding too.

Don’t live life with regrets for what you didn’t do. Get yourself a mentor/coach to help you to understand what setting up a business entails and get yourself a good accountant. Some things are just worth paying for, other things you can do yourself.

Sarah Dawkins

My husband put the idea in my head to set up on my own. I have to admit, I was scared about doing it because it was a total unknown for me.

He also supported me through the setting up phase.

Women In Business – Carina Mellors Coaching

I am Personal Trainer and Online Coach.

I have been a woman in business for almost 1 year (10th May 2022 is my 1 year anniversary).

This is my first business. I have toyed with the idea of having my own business within the fitness industry since 2016.

The deciding factor for me was when my little girl came along. I knew I wanted to work more flexibly around her, to not have to ask anyone else’s permission to be around for her if/when she needs me.

I needed to be doing something I was passionate about and where I could pursue growth so she doesn’t have to face the same struggles I did growing up.

I have just completed a 6 month mentorship, and I continue to be mentored for the foreseeable by the same person.

Getting a mentor was the best decision I made for my business.

To have a sounding board, someone who is further ahead than you, that has made all the mistakes you are about to make is so so valuable.

The pros of being a business woman:

It is the most empowering feeling; the role modelling to my daughter that she can too be a strong, powerful woman.

The flexibility of being self employed; the authenticity that you can bring to being your own brand.

The ability to continue to grow and reap the rewards of your hard work, commitment and investment.

The freedom is provides.


It is incredibly hard work, the impact on mental health is not often spoken about openly, and the inability to switch off at times.

I have to fight hard to be present at times as business consumes my brain and the comparison to others can be really hard.

What would help others?


Don’t wait until things are perfect as you will learn along the way. There are only wins and lessons, never fails.

Carina Mellors

Reach out to others in your niche that are further ahead than you.

If you can start a business alongside your employment and then work towards leaving and going full time in business that really helps.

I wish I would have learned how to do my tax returns beforehand!

My mentors have helped me more than I could give them credit for!

Women In Business – Carina Mellors Coaching
(click the image above to find out more)

Carina finished off by saying.

‘Be kind to yourself and speak kindly of yourself!’


Glenis @ Hynobydesign

Inner Journey Group Sessions

Email – hypnobydesign@yahoo.co.uk

Interview Reply

I’m in the area of promoting self awareness, growing, evolving into the beings we truly are.

I’ve tried to do this by counselling, teaching / facilitating courses. And later I added hypnotherapy to the skill bank.

I’ve been a woman in business since 2005 I believe. I never tried working for myself before. I was always employed with periods of being unemployed.

It didn’t enter to head to work for myself in fact. Until it did!

When the project I worked for, a Women’s training scheme, was being closed down. And we were all being made redundant.

That’s when I had the thought that I could work for myself.

And once I grab hold of a thought that feels so right I just tend to go right ahead with it. I love to see if that thought IS right.

I’ve not personally had a mentor but if someone knows they need a mentor to guide them that’s brilliant.

I’m very intuitive (as many women are and a few men) and believe in following that inner guidance.

Follow hunches.

What were the pros and cons of being a business woman?

The big pro was the lack of somebody telling me what to do, how they wanted me to work, and the endless amount of paperwork and forms and policy changes that I had to work on. Which seemed to get in the way of me doing my job.

Much of what I did when employed became proving that students were learning, setting and reaching their targets. The whole first session for instance on a 6 week course was taken up by paperwork. Bureaucracy had gone mad!

As a self employed woman I still worked within colleges and other training organisations but the amount of time in meetings, etc was much reduced. I’m not a meetings for their own sake person, setting the corporate goals for the week type of thing.

I remember one time we had a whole afternoon meeting on how to communicate better with each other. Great I thought, because there was a communication problem at the Training Scheme where I worked.

That night I drive the scheme minibus home, because I was asked if I would. It’s usual garaging was not available.

The woman who usually drove the minibus to her home for safety forgot to tell me that unless the top of the gearstick was loosened the minibus couldn’t be put in reverse!

I spent a long frustrating time trying to reverse the vehicle into a parking spot opposite my home and eventually I had to call out the AA to tow it!

What good was that meeting eh?

So less frustrating being self employed.

The biggest con was finding work and the stress of that. I had to spend a lot of time recruiting for courses so that they would go ahead. If there were less than 10 people most organisations would close the course down before it began. Which of course meant no work for me on that particular day.

So chasing work was, at first, very hard work. I worked long hours to earn the same money as I had earned before.

But I was my own boss! And I loved that.


Insightful Clothing
(Click image above to find out more)

What do I think would help others starting up their own business?

I would say one main thing. DO WHAT YOU LOVE. Do what you believe in. If you love and have an affinity for animals, start dog walking.

A friend of mine who’d been in support work for years suddenly started dog walking, she then boarded a few dogs while their owners were away.

She introduced training dogs as she had a natural gift for this it seemed. She was walking miles through the woods each day with a bunch of dogs and she loved it and they did. She bought herself a cottage in a village within a few years and expanded.

There isn’t anything I can think of that I wished I knew before starting up as a woman in business.

I was prepared to learn as I went along!

I did go along to the HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs) talks on tax. That was incredibly helpful. There was a small charge for the talk. About £30 back then.

Worth every penny!

I learnt that it is very complicated filling in the self assessment tax forms and after the first year I got an accountant to fill it in for me. I just saved all the relevant receipts and evidence of money coming in and going out. Put them into plastic wallets for each month in date order. Printed off my bank statements. And handed them over.

To any woman thinking of starting up her own business I would say, trust your hunches, be prepared to learn as you go along, don’t be afraid to ask for help and guidance when you feel you need it and take good care of yourself along the way. Give yourself self care time, whether that’s yoga, meditation, going to the gym, massage, meals,out with friends, cycling.


Who helped me along my self employment journey?

The friend who made it to success by her own change of direction from support work to dog care industry. Just as an example, a beacon of what can be done.
The tax office talks on what you can claim for (offset against tax) and what you can’t. For instance you can claim for having someone do your cleaning, but not for someone cleaning your windows!
Knowing I didn’t want to ever go back to being employed, where there was no recognition for the work I did, but endless reviews of my work and filling in those tedious forms about it. And where I and my hard working colleagues could just be made redundant when the funding body wanted to save money.
Women In Business – Kat @ Hush Baby Sleep
(click the image to find out more)

What industry are you in?

I am a qualified child sleep consultant. I used a sleep consultant to support my daughter’s sleep and I found it so fascinating.

The fact I can help other families who may be struggling is incredible and drives my passion to succeed. I offer a range of bespoke support packages to parents who wish to make positive changes to their child’s sleep.

How long have you been a woman in business?

I started Hush Baby Sleep via social media the end of 2021 whilst I was still training to share my journey and grow a following.

My website is launching in the next two weeks http://www.hushbabysleep.co.uk and my diary is open for consultation calls with families who would like support.

Are there any other businesses you have tried before?

No, this is my first venture.

What made you decide to become a business woman?

When I had my daughter 6 weeks before the start of the global pandemic the thought of returning to a 9-5 role terrified me. I wanted more flexibility in my career as my priorities had now changed due to being a new mum.

I knew I wanted to do something I was passionate about and also help others who may feel like I did when we experienced sleep issues.

Also my husband owns a limited company which I think definitely contributed to my desire to go alone!

Do you have a mentor or have you used one in the past? Would you recommend having a mentor?

I do not currently have a mentor but this is something I would consider in the future. I think that you can always learn and grow and the use of a mentor can 100% aid this.

The pros and cons of being a business woman?
As I am not officially trading just yet, I can only talk of my experience so far. EMPOWERING is a massive pro, the thought of being my own boss to create something that I am 100% happy with means the world.
I think moving forward for me, being able to build my business whilst holding my part-time job (until I quit to focus solely on Hush Baby Sleep) will be a juggle, especially with my daughter to care for too!
What would you say to any women that are thinking of setting up their own business?

100% GO FOR IT!

Kat @ Hush Baby Sleep

Is there anything or anyone that helped you on your journey?

Definitely the emotional support from my husband and family.

It has been tough juggling home life, motherhood, studying, starting a business and working part time!

Women In Business – Emma @ Enchantress Emporium
(click image for more information)

I’m in the metaphysical industry. I have been in business around 3 years.

I have also tried interior design and a few things like Acti, Younique and Avon.

The price of child care is far to expensive for a job, I’d be paying out more than I have coming in so for me running my own business was only option.

I have had a mentor briefly just wish I’d quit one of my habits earlier. I would definitely recommend a mentor if you can find the right one for you.

The pros of running your own business are being able to work to fit around family, no cap on what you can earn or how far you go, feeling like a boss bitch.

Cons are little support from friends and family, takes a long time to build a known brand.

Women In Business – Enchantress Emporium

For any other woman starting business!

I’d say f*#k the nay sayers and get really strong on who you are and don’t let people take advantage

Emma @ Enchantress Emporium

What really helped me was being mentored by Samantha Nicole from BC and working on my beliefs and mind set helped me massively too.

Women In Business – BC with Samantha Nicole
(click the image to find out more)
Women In Business – Ashley
@ Calm Minds Holistic Healing
(click the image to find out more)

I am in the holistic healing and hypnotherapy industry. I have been a woman in business for officially 6 weeks. However, I have been planning this business for 2 years

I also had a sunbed and beauty business a number of years ago. I didn’t feel it was the right industry for me though so I gave it up.

I haven’t had a mentor as such, just people around me giving me advice when I’ve turned to them. I do feel a mentor will push you harder to succeed in a shorter time scale, would give you more in-depth, professional advice and steer you in the right direction to success.

So if you don’t have any people around you who could be seen as a mentor then I’d definitely recommend having one.


You can work the hours to suit you and your need. You can achieve a good work/life balance.

I am a mum to 5 children so my home life is quite hectic. Running my own business gives me more time with my children due to choosing the hours I want to work.

It is extremely empowering as a woman to have my own business and it gives me an amazing sense of achievement.

You don’t get told what to do and you don’t have to answer to anybody. You’re your own boss

This is great for women who don’t like to be told what to do!


If you are a lone worker and don’t work due to sickness, etc you don’t earn a wage. This can be a worry at times.

It can be stressful. It can be hard to keep on top of admin tasks and accounts.

Create a vision board so your goals and plans are visual. It helps to bring them to life when you can see them in front of you….

Believe in yourself….Don’t give up!

There will be many obstacles that make you feel that you can’t do it. Don’t let obstacles stop you. Overcome them and you will get to where you want to be.

I wish I’d have known not to give up when obstacles get in the way (I did this in the past)

I wish I’d have known that with the right mindset, nothing is impossible.

Procrastination doesn’t get you anywhere, it just delays the inevitable (something I did a lot of!)

Just because you’re a woman, doesn’t mean you can’t build yourself an empire.

We asked Ashley what would she say to others women that are thinking of setting up their own business?

Go for it! Believe in yourself! Don’t give up, you can achieve your goals and dreams. Be the strong, independent and empowered woman that you are and show the world what you’re made of!

Ashley @ Calm Minds Holistic Healing

Ashley also said

‘My Grandad who is sadly no longer here. He always gave me life advice. He always believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. He always told me I can be anything I want to be and do anything I want to do. He always pushed me to reach my goals. Setting up my business without him by my side has been very tough, but I know he will be looking down on me and feeling very proud that I did it.’

Women In Business – Danniebelle @
The Social-ise Project
To find out more,
click the image above.

Danniebelle @ The Social-ise Project

A Social Entrepreneur

What industry are you in?
Internet Marketing

How long have you been a woman in business?
I have been in business for 4 Years now

Are there any other businesses you have tried before?

I am a Chairwoman for a community group called Project COFFE and also have recently set up my own boutique.

Women In Business – Danniebelle @
Boujee Boutique

What made you decide to become a businesswoman?

I came from a disadvantaged background, so growing up I learned to be resourceful. I love solving problems and thinking out of the box I want to be a role model to people who haven’t had it easy

Do you have a mentor, or have you used one in the past? Would you recommend having a mentor?

I have had many mentors because you can get a different perspective, I have a business mentor, a relationship mentor, a mentor that gives positive feedback then I make my own decisions at the end. Yes, I recommend a mentor because they will push you, an accountability partner is also very useful in making you reach your goals.

The pros and cons of being a business woman?

Pros- You are your own boss and you have the decisions, you have creative freedom, you can reap the benefits, you can go at your own pace, you can work when you like, you have influence and people want to role model from you. your children see you has a positive role model.

Cons- You can be a one-man band doing everything, which can cloud your judgment and also lead to burnout.

You have to rely on yourself a lot and find it hard to delegate because it’s your baby.

if you mess up its normally on you so you feel pressured, which can affect mental health- make sure u get and practice a lot of self-care.

You may not have a lot of money in the early days, because it’s all going into the business. make you set a Personal survival budget

What do you think would help others when starting up their own business as a woman?

Make sure you know your strengths and weakness and get support and self-development workshops.

Don’t be hard on yourself, things flop, at least you tried, and you will learn and grow.

try not to work with family or friends in the early days, once. you have established yourself then your people will either have their own business and then you can compliment each other.

Is there anything that you wished you knew before starting up a business as a woman?

I wish I didn’t listen to people as much. I watched people’s stories like Oprah Winfrey, and JK Rowling and how they pushed through knocks and adversity in the man’s world.

What would you say to any women that are thinking of setting up their own business?

Start that business Sis!

Danniebelle @ The Social-ise Project

Is there anything or anyone that helped you on your journey?

The most high, I give him all the praise, many times I wanted to jack all it in, but he saw something in me and gave dreams that kept me motivated on the tough days.

Women In Business – Fiona @ Fiona’s Wellness Therapy

Meet Fiona, she works in Psychic/healing and has done for about a couple of years now. Fiona also offers Massage as a service as another business idea.

Fiona said

‘Where I was working was closing down and thought had enough skills to run my own business ‘

that’s when she decided to start her own business.

Women In Business – Fiona @
Fiona’s Wellness Therapy
(Click the image above to take a closer look)

Do you have a mentor or have you used one in the past? Would you recommend having a mentor?

Haven’t really had one, known others in similar field so asked questions. Handy knowing people!

The pros and cons of being a business woman?

Pros can do your own hours, you’re your own boss, pay yourself.

Cons not con as such but then you do also have all the responsibility of own advertising, can be stressful when first starting, building up having enough money to get by whilst building up.

We asked Fiona –

What do you think would help others when starting up their own business as a woman?

Start slow, advertise lots. Facebook, you can do a page which is free can advertise on there, is helpful. I’ve found paying for ads and on there you can control how much you want to spend, Vistaprint good cheap site for business cards, just try and get your name out there much as you can

Is there anything that you wished you knew before starting up a business as a woman?

Not in particular just been learning along the way.

What would you say to any women that are thinking of setting up their own business?

Just don’t over exert yourself as in unless you’ve got the money don’t say rent out a room until you’ve got steady clients start stay as a home business you don’t want stress of having to pay rent if you don’t have the clients

Fiona @ Fiona’s Wellness Therapy

Is there anything or anyone that helped you on your journey?

My best mate, she pushed me into doing what doing now, been a witch for ages but she’s the one that said that I’m good enough to get out and do it as a job so doing it now.

Women In Business – Michelle @
Simplicity Beauty Academy
(Click the image to find out more)

I am a trainer in the beauty industry

I opened in February 2020

For 8 years previous I owed a caravan letting business.

I decided to become a business woman as I was made redundant in 2011 where I was an accountant working from home which worked well around my young children my daughter only 18months old and my son was 5. Childcare costs are very high and when looking for work there wasn’t anything working from home and the pay was good but my childcare costs were going to be soo high.

I had my redundancy pay and decided to invest in starting my own business.

I didn’t have a mentor and maybe if I hit troubled times and couldn’t find a way myself I would turn to a mentor.

The pros of being a business woman is I choose my own hours so am able to work around my children which is especially helpful in school holidays

The cons is there is never a guaranteed finish time and some days I can work 14 hour days if something goes wrong.

Any problems/issues/disputes are down to me and me only meaning at times like when I’m on holiday sometimes I have to still work

We asked Michelle, what she would say to any women out there looking at starting their own businesses…

Research is the key check your competition, marketing and advertising is a must with great eye catching adverts. The main platform I have found is social media

Michelle @ Simplicity Beauty Academy

I didn’t quite anticipate the pressure you can sometimes be put under. Going away or days out no longer mean you have day off if problems arise your plans have to change

I did this solely on my own my kids drove me to work hard and put my all into my business.

My business was one of very few that benefitted in covid as I was able to train beauticians fully online and a lot of beauticians used the time to train in new treatments.

Women In Business – Karen @ KJM.Creations

Karen is in the Handmade jewellery and craft industry and has been since July 2020. This is Karen’s first business and she said…

‘It was daunting at first but well worth it!’

Karen has been making jewellery for years for herself, friends and family but during lockdown she decided to try putting herself out there and trying to sell items to see how the market would react to another handmade jewellery business.

‘That was the start since then I have developed my brand and have grown my following on social media and customer base and I am now even selling in a shop.’ Karen said.

Women In Business – Karen @ KJM.creations
(Click the image to find out more)

Karen, do you have a mentor or have you used one in the past? Would you recommend having a mentor? 

Officially no I haven’t really but I have found that the market trader community is fantastically welcoming everyone wants to help and support each other sharing advise and helpful tips about markets and other small business tips.

The pros and cons of being a business woman? 

The pros are simple I get to spend time meeting with my customers face to face, and get a buzz from each and every item sold as I think “wow I made that” it gives great job satisfaction and really helps with “imposter syndrome”.

The only con is that it does take time and consistency to build your business up and with a full time job it can take up a lot of time but you will find your way and get the balance right for you.

What do you think would help others when starting up their own business as a woman? 

I think the biggest advise that I can give people is to give it a go , keep an open mind and don’t give up …. You really do learn as you go so be patient with yourself don’t get down if a plan doesn’t work out as expected, just keep going. Don’t be afraid of putting yourself out there as there is only one you and what you bring to the table is unique have confidence and pride that regardless of how many other similar business there are there is only one you.

Karen said. 

‘I wish that I had known alot of things before starting, however what I would say is that you learn new things and ways to do things all the time . There is no hard and fast way to do it you will find what works for you and your business by trial and error so just don’t give up.

What would you say to any women that are thinking of setting up their own business?

Go for it give it a go you never know where it will take you and if you don’t try you will never know. Don’t be put off because your not an expert in accounting or social media there are loads of tools out there to support you like QuickBooks self employed or canva  and don’t forget that there are lots of tutorials out there you just have to look.


Is there anything or anyone that helped you on your journey?

There are many people that have helped me along the way there are my parents and sister who have encouraged me and supported me at my markets.

Women In Business – Handmade by Karen @ KJM.creations

There is any and Michelle my two best friends who have been a constant support and then there are all the amazing market organisers and traders who have supported along the way Kevin and Trevor who run sneinton marketplace , Kelly and Sarah who run Sherwood street market and other traders such as Molly’s mum’s textiles and Claire’s natural crafts and many more who have been fantastic sounding boards and offer useful advise along the way.

Women In Business – Natasha @ Dreamy Petz

Natasha hand makes bespoke luxury pet furniture! Yes because our pets are important too. When I found Natasha online I was very impressed by what she had achieved and what she makes…

Natasha has been trading for approximately 5 years and said.

‘It’s very grafting but so very much worth it!’

Women In Business – Bespoke Luxury Pet Furniture
@ Dreamy Petz (Click the image above to check out more)

Other businesses – I used to run a make up magazine that successfully made it onto the shelves in Wh Smiths.

My circumstances changed and moved away from this industry.

What made you decide to set up your own business?

I am at that age where I need flexibility in my life and have worked for myself a while. I ran my own beauty salon for over 21 years. I am fine working for people and have done since but I do prefer to work for myself.

I find you work harder when it’s your own baby.

Women In Business – Bespoke Luxury Pet Furniture
@ Dreamy Petz (Shop now by clicking the image above)


My Dad worked from bottom to the top at Tescos. He started off on the fish counter and worked his way up to a senior position. He is my idol and nothing is untouchable if you just graft. Both my parents have been constantly supportive and always there to guide and listen

We also asked Natasha what she felt were the pros and cons…her reply is listed below.


Own hours, Decision making, Designs, Work load, Self achievement and Self worth.


No life, Work all the hours god sends, No holidays and Can’t please everyone.

Natasha also said when starting up to…

#Do your research into simular companies.

#Have financial and emotional support.

# learn social media

# listen to critism at the start and take on board what they are saying.

# Have terms & conditions written if in sales

# learn from your mistakes

# you wont please everyone so please don’t stress!

What I Wish I knew before starting my business

# how to combat social media
# Terms and conditions are so vital as it lays out what can and can’t happen.
For example we have lost a lot of money on people changing their minds last minute on design. Our products are bespoke so can never sell again but because we didn’t have T & Cs we didn’t stand a chance so had to re make at our cost the changes.
# seek financial help from reputable companies

We asked Natasha – What would you say to any women looking at starting a business?

She said.

‘I would say go for it as long as you have..

# researched

# got all in place

# check where you will sell your product or service

# friends/ family help

# social media savvy

Be strong and believe in yourself and your business

Natasha @ Dreamy Petz
Women In Business – Bespoke Luxury Pet Furniture
@ Dreamy Petz

Natasha said.

‘My friends and family have helped the most’

My partner Danny has been the driving force behind the business and has been very dedicated. Without him our dream wouldn’t be possible!

also if your product/ service is good then reviews will follow.
You can’t beat a review!!!!
Our customer service is our biggest seller.
Women In Business – JKE Love & Healing – Spiritual Wellbeing Gifts

Jade @ JKE Love & Healing – Spiritual Wellbeing Gifts Interview answers.

I am 35 mum of 3 (13,8,4) I am in the hairdressering industry.

I have been hairdressing for 18 years now. I worked in a salon for 11 years I did all my training there, then started my own business as a mobile hairdresser 7 years ago.

I also have a small spiritual well-being business. JKE LOVE AND HEALING.

I make & sell crystal healing jewellery , hand blended natural bath soaks , energy cleansing kits & more. I got into spiritual healing about 8 years ago when my mental health was at its worst because I didn’t like the idea of medication so started to research and explore things myself.

Women In Business – JKE Love and Healing – Spiritual Wellbeing Gifts – Click here

Spiritual healing has helped me massively with my depression, healing past traumas & rebuilding my confidence so during lockdown when I was unable to work my hair job I decided to start JKE LOVE AND HEALING online to inspire, empower , spread knowledge, & promote self love & also somewhere people can buy the tools they will need to assist in their spiritual journey.

Women In Business – JKE Love and Healing – Spiritual Wellbeing Gifts

I have a page on Instagram & run a stall at craft markets and community events I love it.

Becoming a mum at 22 is what pushed me to start my own business because I love love love to be with my babies as much as possible and I feel having your own business gives you the complete flexibility to do just that, I finally took the plunge when my 2nd child was born and gave up my employed job.

It was scary going into the unknown but I’m so glad I did and would encourage any women to follow their passion/heart

The pros are definitely the freedom of being your own boss.

The cons I’d say is if you don’t work you don’t get paid literally.

So if im sick I have to cancel my whole schedule because No other staff for support.

Women In Business – Empowered Women Empower Women – JKE Love and Healing

If you have an idea/vision that you can’t stop thinking about go do it!

You are so capable all you have to do is believe and you can make it happen… Anything is possible lady’s I believe in each and every one of you ❤️

Jade @ JKE Love and Healing

We finished off by asking Jade, what has helped her on her journey. She said…

‘I feel my connection to god is what has helped me massively in my journey…. I am wholeheartedly grateful ❤️’

Women In Business – Carley Mellors-Blair

Women In Business Interview with

~ Carley Mellors-Blair

What industry are you in?

Holistic Health and Wellness Industry

How long have you been a woman in business?

18yrs as self employed, but all my life as i was raised in business.

Are there any other businesses you have tried before?


What made you decide to become a business woman?

In my DNA

Women In Business – Carley Mellors-Blair – Altered Health
( Find out more here )

Do you have a mentor or have you used one in the past? Would you recommend having a mentor?

I have 3 mentors and have used mentors for over 7yrs.. we all need to stay teachable!

The pros and cons of being a business woman?

All pros no cons… i am my biggest source of growth and progression and the bet that always wins!

Women In Business – Carley Mellors-Blair – Bachata Sueno
Latin Dance Events Company

Check it out here

What do you think would help others when starting up their own business as a woman?

Focus on your passion and the profits will follow.

Is there anything that you wished you knew before starting up a business as a woman?

No i think learning is part of the journey.

What would you say to any women that are thinking of setting up their own business?

Do it.. be brave.. you are capable of EVERYTHING

Carley Mellors-Blair

Is there anything or anyone that helped you on your journey?

The biggest helps are learned from painful lessons.. there’s so much to experience being in business.. just be open and ready to receive.

Again mentors are great for navigation which is why i became a mentor too.

Women In Business – Donna Lennox – Affiliate
The Strange Apothecary

I’m Donna, a single mum of 3 boys, 2 teenagers & a 3 year old.

I started working for myself as an affiliate for a CBD company that was originally called Hannabis but due to expanding into other products we recently rebranded into The Strange Apothecary.

The reason for our rebrand is because we started out as CBD company who specialised in all things CBD/hemp related & have now branched out into other areas of health & wellbeing, including mushroom supplements & essential oils… with much more in the pipeline too.

My journey started around 18 months ago & not actually because I was looking for work.

I was what’s considered an “older mum” having another baby at 35 and I was actually really struggling to bounce back, I struggled physically & with my energy levels & self doubt crept in causing me anxiety which was getting worse, not better.

I’m quite a health conscious person overall & believe that nature provides so much for us. I avoid any chemicals/toxins considered harmful and try to use herbal or plant based remedies where ever possible.

Over the years id done lots of research into CBD oil & it’s uses & I actually used it for my eldest son who’s diagnosed with ASD & ADHD many years previously with great results, especially helping him with his social anxiety.

I’d decided this was what I wanted to try to help myself to gain some control back over my life.

Women In Business – Donna Lennox – Affiliate
The Strange Apothecary

When I looked on line to try & buy some for myself in an attempt to help my anxiety, it was an absolute mine field and so confusing & the price differences for what seemed like the same product at first glance was huge, so I never actually ordered any.

I now understand why this is the case & that all CBD out there is certainly not equal.

I had a friend on Facebook who was using CBD from Hannabis & she was constantly posting about the benefits she was seeing, one of which was less anxiety symptoms which was making life easier for her, so of course I checked out the products & found they were one of the not so cheap brands (far from the most expensive also) but I was unsure what to do, I started following other people I saw comment on her posts & one of those ladies was the founder of the company who shared so much information & knowledge about CBD & the endocannabinoid system, that my confidence was growing in their products all the time.

Until one day she posted that she was offering the opportunity to take 3 people under her wing & teach them what she knew & offer them the opportunity to be an affiliate for the company which would also mean benefiting from 20% off the price of products.

I was itching to jump at that opportunity but my lack of confidence & anxiety held me back & I commented saying how I’d like to but couldn’t.

I was instantly met with so much encouragement from women trying to boost my confidence into stepping out of my comfort zone and was promised support to help me succeed!

Women In Business – Donna Lennox – Affiliate
The Strange Apothecary
Take a look here

18 months later I can say those ladies meant every single word they said that day & have become a support circle I never thought possible, not just work wise but personally aswell, even through some really difficult times I’ve faced.

The wealth of knowledge in the field of CBD & the human body that they shared for free blew my mind & there was free training available for every aspect of building a business on line to enable me to set up a group & build a business in my own right.

The training & learning never stops either, we have so many amazing mentors give us free training on a regular basis, on everything from mindset, confidence building to building an online network from people working within the company already & some from outside who fully support us.

18 months ago if someone had of told me I’d be promoting myself on social media and writing a blog about my journey, I’d have thought they were crazy, but here I am & I feel I owe a lot of that to my team, their encouragement & support which has empowered me to be doing what I am today.

If I was to offer any advice to women looking to go into business or work for themselves now, it would be 100% to surround yourself with other women who want to see you succeed and that inspire you with their own journey & avoid anyone who wants to compete with you or that’s not encouraging you to be a better version of yourself.

Donna Lennox

Not only did the people help me to succeed but so did the products themselves, I started taking the CBD oil & within a couple of weeks, I noticed massive changes in me physically & emotionally, my anxiety was no longer causing me any physical symptoms and I was less emotional & felt my moods were stabilizing.

Up until this point I’d actually felt like having a baby late in life had possibly triggered early menopause, because I felt like I had constant PMS to the point it was massively affecting my relationship, I remember him joking after a couple of weeks saying that if the CBD was responsible for the changes in my moods & irritability then he would buy me a lifetime supply.

This enabled me to truly believe in the products I was selling and I knew I could help a lot of people with confidence.

Everything about the companies ethics matched my own too, I’ve always been passionate about doing my bit to help others & the planet.

We only sell Organic products made with natural ingredients of the highest standards, we are vegan friendly, cruelty free & all our packaging is eco friendly!

This is everything I looked for when buying products already but now I wasn’t just buying them, I was able to offer them to others with confidence.

The one thing I always say is

“I don’t love the products because I sell them, I sell them because I love them”.

And this is so important, so that you share that passion with others.

I have so much love for what I do now that I can’t imagine doing anything else. I’m not making a salary that guarantees me long term security at the moment which is sometimes a worry, and is one of the downfalls of working for yourself & something you may need to be conscious of if considering setting up your own business.

However I’m always looking for more opportunities to make that possible in the future.

My main drive for reaching my goals though has to be my little boy who I’m able to still spend the majority of my time with without having to use childcare. Being able to work around my family is the most precious thing of all, especially knowing from my teenagers just how fast they grow up & for that reason alone I’d encourage any woman considering going into business to go for it!

Being your own boss with young children is priceless in my opinion…

…If I’m being totally honest, many other jobs haven’t suited me in the past, due to not being good at going against what I truly believe in to meet someone else’s standards, I struggle with time management & executive dysfunction, quite possibly due to undiagnosed ADHD.

And I often felt I struggled to “fit in” with others at work.

Who knows maybe I was always destined to work for myself but just didn’t know it. But now I’ve found my place, I can’t imagine being anywhere else & who knows I may even release my very own products onto the market in the future, this is something I’ve always wanted to do & have had fun making my own products at home in the past, but never had the confidence or knowledge to actual make it into something I could sell.

This is something that our founder supports all advocates with from start to finish. Creating their own products, getting the legal work done so they can be sold & many of my colleagues now have their own product lines available through our website as partnerships.

So I’m 100% sure this is something I could achieve in the future also.

But right now I’m enjoying building my team & passing on the knowledge and support I gained on to other people who are joining my team!

What I love most about this work is being able to help others to improve their health & well-being and I take pride in educating people in my group on Facebook.

Women In Business – Vanessa Mary
Health, Wellbeing & Personal Development Coach

Find out more about Vanessa Mary here

What industry are you in?

Health, Wellbeing & Personal Development

How long have you been a woman in business?

13 years

Are there any other businesses you have tried before?

I started as an Independent Researcher & Consultation Specialist in 2009.

This was a good business model, but on reflection I would have had a better impact if I had spent more time building strong collaborations with others.

I also discovered writing speculative bids to win public sector contracts was extremely time consuming.

In my experience this was a risky business model for a micro start-up company.

Moving on in 2011, I organised training workshops to support social entrepreneurs starting out in business.

This business started out well, however I learnt a harsh lesson regarding attempting to scale up too quickly, without establishing a firm foundation.

What made you decide to become a businesswoman?

After two failed start-ups and other experiences with attempts in setting up homebased businesses I decided to change direction.

In 2013, I started my journey in Wellness Mentoring, which has led to further training in life coaching, nutrition, physiology and more recently emotional wellbeing coaching.

When I started my entrepreneurial journey in 2009, my desire to set up independently stemmed from an overwhelming feeling I experienced in my late twenties.

I was working hard and making a difference within the public sector, however I felt undervalued.

I noticed I was not being developed or supported to apply for more senior positions within the organisations I served.

This was frustrating as I knew my potential to achieve great things was possible.

When I started working with social entrepreneurs in 2011, I was driven by the desire to play a part in making a positive impact in the world.

Do you have a mentor, or have you used one in the past?

I am presently not working with a mentor. However, I tune in daily to teachings from highly regarded mentors within business and in the coaching industry who are sharing information online.

I also read a lot of business books.I have however, previously worked with several mentors.

Over the last three years I have worked with two marketing coaches.

I have also had mentors and coaches over the years who have supported me in areas such as personal development, business planning and public relations.

I am going to start working with a Financial Mentor in the summer as financial education for myself and my clients is an area, I would like to develop my knowledge in for generational wealth planning.

Would you recommend having a mentor?

I would highly recommend businesswomen and men seek advice and support from a mentor.

The role of the mentor is to walk alongside you as you follow a path you may have never taken before.

Your mentor will begin to know your strengths and weaknesses.

They can also be a point of reference for opportunities that you may not be aware of. Mentors can provide short cuts to knowledge based on their experience.

One of my early mentors was also great for keeping me accountable.

They also recommended a fantastic reading list for me, which supported me to expand my knowledge through reading business related books.

Nowadays, a mentor may signpost you to podcasts, interviews, and articles.

A good mentor will also provide you with introductions to others within their network.

The pros and cons of being a businesswoman?

As we know with other areas of life there are many positive and negative aspects in doing most things.

For me there are many positive reasons to step into the role as a businesswoman, one for example, is the opportunity to serve and make a difference to the lives of others.

Secondly, developing your leadership skills is a fantastic way to enhance your own personal development.

In terms of the negative aspects in business, I personally seek to learn from the challenges I face in my business.

There is always an opportunity to expand your knowledge and learn from experiences even those that appear to be negative.

Women In Business – Vanessa Mary
Lifestyle Coach For Mums

Find out more and Join the group here

What do you think would help others when starting up their own business as a woman?

There are many aspects to consider when starting a business.

A large part of the work involves a willingness to work on yourself in terms of your emotional well-being and mindset.

You are going to face obstacles and challenges along every stage of your journey.

You need to work on your emotional wellbeing first to align your emotions to the thoughts that are going to ensure you take positive daily actions.

You need to become consistent with everything you do. I would suggest you find a good support network designed to serve and provide guidance to others at the stage you are presently at.

Stay in your lane.

Building a business takes time, commitment, and a willingness to sacrifice.

You will also need to believe in yourself and work with your inner drive to pull you through the difficult days.

In some cases things are going to take longer than your anticipate, however with the correct support network you will have opportunities to ask for guidance and advice.

Is there anything that you wished you knew before starting up a business as a woman?

One of the main things I would have like to have been told is about the importance of building a community first before I started offering my services.

If you have a message to share it is important that you can reach enough of your target market in the quickest amount of time possible.

I would also advise you pay attention to growing your email list more than you think about creating social media posts.

Growing an email list and gathering telephone numbers is a better use of your time than writing social media posts where you are effectively trying to grab attention in a competitive marketplace.

Vanessa Mary also has Instagram. You can check out her profile here

What would you say to any women that are thinking of setting up their own business?

I would advise you focus on your personal and emotional development first.

Vanessa Mary

Then I would recommend you enrol on business training to get knowledge on the areas of developing your vision, planning and the different type of business models.

You will also need to consider how you will be funding your venture in terms of start-up capital, seed money and investment.

If you are already employed, I would advise you to work on your business around your existing commitments.

You will need the stability of your present income stream. Initially the income from your business may only cover business related expenses such as software licences and coaching support.

Working full time will provide you will peace of mind that your living expenses are covered.

Do as much research as you can about your target market, marketing strategies and tools before you launch. There is no point in having the best service or product if your target market does not know you exist.

Learning about marketing is fundamental to help you get your message heard. It is also worthwhile to attend networking events ti build up your contact database.

Finally, I would also suggest you accept the amount of work, time, resources, and commitment you will need to put into to your venture to make an impact.

Is there anything or anyone that helped you on your journey?

I have so many organisations and individuals to thank for supporting me on my journey.

In the beginning I showed up at every free training workshop I could commit to attending to gather knowledge, information and build up my contacts.

I also gained support from personal mentors, coaches, and individuals within the industry.

There are also too many books, events, speakers at events and workshops to mention here, that have positively influenced my mindset and supported my growth and development.I have also had support from my clients, especially those who have supported my journey from the beginning when I was still working out my offering and how I could add value to the community I serve.

On a personal note, my partner Mark has been incredible with supporting me in emotional and practical ways, especially now we have a child together. Also, my Mum has been a keen supporter, investor, and volunteer in my business from the very start.

It has been very interesting getting to know some of the women in business and how they started their journey in business.

I feel honored to be able to hear about their ups and down. Being able to see things from their perspective.

I would like to thank those that were willing to share their stories to inspire other women to start their own business in order to live with more freedom!

We are in the middle of interviewing more women in business and will add them to this post at the end of each month.

Keep an eye out for our podcasts launching soon, where we will get to catch up with some of the women in business we interview to see how they are getting on plus their thoughts on many other topics!

2 thoughts on “Women In Business

    • Samantha Nicole says:

      Thank you Sarah! There are some more amazing women to come. Thank you again for getting involved ?

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